
North Somercotes CE Primary School

‘Make your light shine so others will see the good that you do’

Year 3

Welcome to our Year 3 page!

The Year 3 Team:
Mr Lucas and Miss Arundel


On a Wednesday we have the JB Sports coaches come and teach our P.E lessons; on these days we come to school in our P.E kit. Our P.E kit should be:


  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Black/navy shorts.
  • Trainers or Plimsolls can be worn for PE lessons.
  • Black/Navy tracksuit bottoms for colder weather/outdoor PE.
  • Black/Navy tracksuit top for colder weather/outdoor PE.
  • No Football/Sports shirts



Home ReadingWe encourage all children to read for 30 minutes at least 4 times a week. This will help them to put their fluency into practice, one of the cornerstones to great reading! If they read for three or four nights a week, they move up the reward ladder in class and earn a token for their house; if they read for five, six or seven nights a week, they move straight to the top of the reward ladder and gain a raffle ticket. On the last day of each big term, Mr Lucas will draw two tokens from the pot and those children will win a Golden Token, earning them a book from our Book Vending Machine! Mr Lucas will collect reading diaries in on Friday to mark so please ensure they come in on that day.


If you would like some guidance on the best way to read with your child at home, or are looking for help to inspire reluctant readers, try the document below! It's packed with ideas!



This year, we are changing our homework provision and will no longer be setting weekly homework. This to provide more time for daily reading (See above for expectations). We are also changing the way we do spellings. We now follow the Active Spelling program which does not require children to prepare for a test at home.


If you are keen to support your child at home, there are a few things you can do that will really help. We are a TT Rockstars school. As such, all children in KS2 have a log in to the website where they can practice the times tables we have learned in class. In year 3, we aim to know our 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 8's and 10's. Becoming more proficient with these is always a good thing!


English Support


If you are looking to support your child with English, there is a great link to BBC Bitesize which offers a range of activities to help with the grammar and punctuation expectations. 

Class Reading

Mr Lucas loves to read out loud to the children and tries to do so at the end of every school day!


This term we are reading The Wild Robot! When robot Roz opens her eyes for the first time, she discovers that she is alone on a remote, wild island. Why is she there? Where did she come from? And, most important, how will she survive in her harsh surroundings?

Roz’s only hope is to learn from the island’s hostile animal inhabitants. When she tries to care for an orphaned gosling, the other animals finally decide to help, and the island starts to feel like home. Until one day, the robot’s mysterious past comes back to haunt her…




"Let your light shine, so others may see the good that you do."

This term we are shining a light on world renowned archaeologist Howard Carter! In November, 1922, he made one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time. He found the tomb of boy king Tutankhamen!


Jigsaw This is Jigsaw Jino! Jino will support us this year during our Jigsaw lessons and ensure we are following the Jigsaw charter.


Our Spring 2 piece is: Dreams and Goals

Stone Age Visit - Wild Woodcraft


To bring our Stone Age topic to a close, Year 3 went on an incredible trip to Wild Woodcraft! There, we lived like hunter gatherers for the day, building shelters, making fires, preparing animals for cooking and even learned how to boil water in the wild! Matthew and Maria, our Stone Age guides, let us get hands on with authentic paleolithic tools and weapons, modelling how they were used - it was like we were really there! 

Art - Thomas Gainsborough


In the Spring term, we began looking at the work of 18th century painter Thomas Gainsborough. We explored how to build a painting up in layers, beginning with a wash background that was light and an equal mix of paint and water. Then, as we got closer to the foreground, we decreased the amount of water, bringing out the brightness of the colours.  
