
North Somercotes CE Primary School

‘Make your light shine so others will see the good that you do’

Year 6


                                                      Our Year 6 team :

                            Mrs. Walmsley and Mrs. Wilkinson                                                supported by Mr. Wilson and Miss.Askew 

This term, our "Shine a Light" person is Malala Yousafzai

Autumn Term Texts

This term, we will be using all our creativity and grammar,punctuation and writing skills to produce a diary extract as a character and a fictitious recount incorporating descriptions of characters and setting and dialogue .



Even in Year 6, reading out loud is vital,if children are to be able to fluently read challenging texts. We are encouraging children to read at home as much as possible but certainly for a minimum of thirty minutes a day (at least fifteen minutes of which should be aloud to an adult), whether they are reading their own books or those chosen from school.


Each week in school, via the Active Spelling programme, children will learn new spelling patterns, homophones and a selection of words from the statutory Year 5 and 6 list, through a range of strategies, to become confident, skilful spellers. 


During the Autumn term, homework will consist of daily reading (as detailed above) and times tables practise via Times Tables Rockstars.

P.E. -  On Wednesday, is our cardio session on the activity gym equipment.

          On Thursday, we have J.B. Sport coaches come to teach our P.E lessons; on these days we come to school in our P.E kit. Our P.E kit should be:


  • plain white t-shirt
  • black/navy shorts.
  • trainers or plimsolls can be worn for PE lessons.
  • black/navy tracksuit bottoms for colder weather/outdoor PE.
  • black/navy tracksuit top for colder weather/outdoor PE.
  • no football/sports shirt.



We believe that it is in the best interest of the children to create strong links between home and school. As such, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team if you have any questions or concerns.

Leavers Assembly Presentation

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