
North Somercotes CE Primary School

‘Make your light shine so others will see the good that you do’


North Somercotes CE Primary School's safeguarding policy provides clear direction to all school stakeholders about expected practice in dealing with safeguarding issues.  It makes explicit the school’s commitment to the development of good practice and effective procedures, ensuring that safeguarding concerns and referrals are handled sensitively, professionally and in a way that supports and protects the needs of the child.


Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility at North Somercotes CE Primary School.


Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.


This policy applies to all who come into contact with children at North Somercotes CE Primary School including:

  • Teachers
  • Teaching assistants
  • Administrative assistants
  • Supply teachers
  • Students
  • Midday supervisors
  • Visitors/volunteers
  • Adult helpers
  • Governors
  • Trustees


If in doubt, anyone with concerns should seek advice from the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr. Paul Floyd or any other member of our Safeguarding Team.


We are proud partners with the NSPCC and we this year we have once again completed the NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe Programme.


Please see the additional resources below. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school. 

NSPCC Additional Resources/Information
