‘Make your light shine so others will see the good that you do’
Subject Leaders: Mrs J Walmsley and Mr G Lucas
“We are not makers of history. We are made by history,” Martin Luther King Jr.
What is History?
The word History comes from the Greek ἱστορία (historia) meaning "knowledge acquired by investigation".
Our definition for Foundation and KS1 – History is learning about the past.
Our definition for KS2 – History is the study of the human experience through people and events from the past.
History is ultimately the study of our species and how it has changed over time. Here at North Somercotes, we aim to stimulate the children’s interest in the chronology of our country and the great civilisations of the past. Through this they will develop a sense of identity and a cultural understanding based on their historical heritage. By shining a light on the people and events of the past, we aim to show children how individuals have helped shape our world and how they too can shape the world of tomorrow. After all, as Dorothy West said “There is no life that does not contribute to history.” Children will not only study history but learn to look at the past through the eyes of an historian, assessing the reliability of sources and seeing how the clues left by those long passed can help us see how the world was for all people that lived during that time. Children will understand that there are different points of view and bias, and learn that history can be interpreted in different ways and for different audiences.
“How do you know who you are unless you know where you came from?”
Tony Robinson – Historian
We want our children to leave North Somercotes CE Primary inspired and encouraged by the breadth of people they have “shone a light on” during lessons, knowing that despite the hardships of their times, they were able to embody the school values (Justice, Agape, Generosity, Peace, Forgiveness and Servanthood) and leave their mark on the world. We want to instil in the children a lifelong love of learning and a fascination with the past, as well as embed the tools needed for them to study it effectively. We want them to have a passion for the world and to aspire to shape the history of the future.
Through our history curriculum we aim to:
We do this through the three main concepts of History; Chronology, Historical Interpretation and Historical Enquiry.
Through our teaching of History: Chronology, Historical Interpretation and Historical Enquiry, we consistently aim to raise awareness of the subject and it’s potential as an exciting and valuable career path for the future: thus encouraging and inspiring our children to broaden their horizons.
Children should be excited by History and eager to learn more, questioning what they have learnt so far, and learn without limits. We ensure that our curriculum gives children the many experiences they require to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that they will not be limited by their starting points or life experiences.
Organisation and planning
How do we teach History?
Throughout our school, we aim for History to be taught through an enquiry-led approach. Using an enquiry-led approach means we support our children to ask their own questions and form their own opinions (and be willing to change them as reflective learners), and that ownership of their learning is with them and not just with the adult. We will explicitly teach children to analyse evidence and think critically to form their own opinions. We allow the children to develop their own ideas and develop their skills through carefully posed questions and the sources we use. We begin with a question, which can be posed by the teacher or the children (as they progress). Previous History topics are also to be referred to, to ensure children are developing an understanding of chronology and making links to different periods of time.
We ‘bring learning to life’ to ensure that children are passionate about History and, as we know social mobility is low in North Somercotes, we try to give children experiences of the wider world. At our school, we make use of technology to access information and sources of the past. We use educational visits to give our children opportunities to experience history outside the classroom. We make sure that there are lots of opportunities for outdoor and physical learning experiences to excite children. They know that History is not just found analysing an artefact in the classroom or written in a book.
Our topics are structured so that the children can work through 3 key concepts of History: Chronology, Historical Interpretation and Historical Enquiry.
This is how we define them:
Chronology: To develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history periods.
Historical Interpretation: Gain historical perspective by placing their growing knowledge into different contexts and make connections, and contrast and analyse trends.
Historical Enquiry: Understand how evidence is used to make historical claims, and question contrasting arguments and interpretations to gain an informed historical perspective on the world.
We structure our curriculum with an overarching quote as a theme for the term with specific subjects then taught in blocks over a number of weeks. This enables us to go deeper into subjects and to make meaningful connections with other subjects. Our Curriculum Teaching Sequence for the year identifies when History is taught.
In the Foundation Stage children develop crucial knowledge, skills and understanding that help them to make sense of the world and form the foundation for historical work in Key Stage 1. They will:
In Key Stage 1 children will:
Being an Historian
Children will be taught about:
Historical content
In Key Stage 2 children will:
Being an Historian
Children will be taught about:
Historical content
Our children will leave North Somercotes having a depth of knowledge about Britain’s past and their wider world. They will have learnt knowledge and skills, through high-quality teaching, which can support them through life. By understanding the past lives of significant people and events, locally and globally, and how this impacts their lives now, children are taken on a journey of discovery of themselves and others. Children will be passionate about our world’s history and we will have an understanding of their place in time.
“I made a time machine out of a cardboard box and travelled to Ancient Egypt, the court of Henry VIII and Victorian London…As a child, I visited the past just to watch but now I would be tempted to rewrite the story. To interfere. To change the course of History.”
Kate Williams - Historian