
North Somercotes CE Primary School

‘Make your light shine so others will see the good that you do’

British Values

Promoting British Values


Here at North Somercotes CE Primary School we aim to uphold and promote British Values in our school.


These British Values are:

  • democracy
  • rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs.


Our Core Christian Values are an intrinsic part of school life. We believe our Core Christian Values underpin Fundamental British Values within our school community.


How we uphold British Values in our school:



Here at North Somercotes CE Primary School our School Council has a strong role in our school. Councillors are elected within classes by their peers with candidates in KS2 giving a small speech on why they should be elected. School Councillors have a variety of opportunities to contribute to events in the school and class representatives hold regular meetings with their class so pupil voice is listened to and responded to. Furthermore within our school we strive to teach our children how democracy works in Britain. An example of this has been during the General Election when our Year 6 class followed the process and held their own election on Election Day.


Rule of Law

The importance of rules and law are consistently reinforced throughout school on a daily basis. Children are taught to respect and follow our mutually agreed school and individual class rules. Our children also understand there are consequences to our actions as seen in our Behaviour Policy, which they have also contributed to. Children are taught to reflect on their actions and gain an understanding of our rules in addition to the law outside of school. We regularly have visits from our local PCSO team to reinforce the understanding of law and our community to our children.


Individual Liberty

In our school, children are encouraged to make their own choices. Children in our school take responsibility for their choices and actions and have the freedom to express their own ideas and opinions. Children have choices in behaviour as well as a voice in school through our School Council.


Mutual Respect

As a school we strive to show respect in all our actions. Children are encourage to behave respectfully to all through our value of equality. Staff model respectful behaviour towards pupils and respectful actions are celebrated and rewarded. At North Somercotes CE Primary School we believe it is important for the children to understand why it is important to act and speak respectfully. When celebrating and encouraging respect, we discuss the actions with the children and why they demonstrate the value.


Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs

An understanding of different faiths and beliefs is achieved in our school through our RE curriculum. Children have opportunities to explore different world religious within class as well as through educational visits and days. We enjoy celebrating and learning from the variety of faiths and cultures we have within our school and wider school community.
